A November conference held in Livonia, Michigan highlighted a recent shift towards plastics in automotive part design and manufacturing. The move results in large part from growing government and consumer demand for automotive vehicles offering better emissions control and miles per gallon as well as overall product durability.
In a recent post from Plasticsnews.com, it was reported that today’s automotive design experts are increasingly turning to lighter weight plastics to replace automotive parts made from alternative, heavier materials:
“The powertrain and chassis area of vehicles has seen a 40 percent increase in the use of plastics in the past 10 years,” said Maurice Sessel, senior vice president of engineering with international Automotive Components North America of Dearborn, Michigan.
Reducing the weight of automotive parts continues to improve manufacturers’ ability to meet the demand for high-mileage, lower impact vehicles.
KASO Plastics has proudly served the automotive industry since 1962; our state-of-the-art facility provides a full range of injection molding and engineering services to help you evaluate and choose the proper material and design for your all your automotive needs.